So, I forgot to post yesterday. Oops. Making up for that now. Day 3 (Friday) really wasn’t all that bad. I think I mentioned before that I work from home, so it makes it a lot easier to not be tempted.
My neighbors invited me over for Pizza Friday that evening, so I made sure to have a good meal before I went. Usually, dinner and hanging out with these friends also involves wine, so I was prepared with sparkling water and lime. I had something to keep in my hands, and I didn’t really miss the wine.
Saturday I had a good breakfast, then went out to run some errands, thinking I would get home in time for lunch. Some friends asked me to come meet them at a brewery, so that caused a bit of an issue. I needed food, but knew it would be tough to find something compliant in a drive through. Thankfully, I was in Target when they texted, so I was able to grab an approved protein bar and some nuts (and, had I thought more clearly, I could have grabbed tuna or canned chicken) and ate that on the way. I’m not a beer person, so no temptation at the Brewery, just glad to spend some time with friends.
Stayed in Saturday night and cooked a delicious salmon meal and tried one of the “mocktails” to break up the water, water, and more water I have been drinking.
Today is a pool party, so I’m taking things I know I can eat, but this will be the first real temptation. After that is a cookout tonight, and I am taking things I know I can have.
Happy Sunday!