When I set out on this quest, I thought I’d read 52 books, post my thoughts, and maybe my Mom and one other person would ever bother to take a look at this. In other words, my original motivation was to do this for myself, as a hobby of sorts, and save what I learned by reading the actual books, I didn’t really expect to learn anything else through this experience. I was wrong.

First, I don’t think my Mother’s read the blog. At all. Because she’d certainly have something to say about my opinions on a few of the books I’ve read if she had.

Second, this little quest I’ve set out on is great for conversation. It is something different, and when you’re around other bibliophiles, it makes for very interesting conversations. It has even opened the door to a few new friendships. And, equally as important, it has opened the door to so many recommendations of books I’d never heard of and expanded my network of other readers and writers beyond what I anticipated.

One way that has happened is through Twitter. I created a Twitter profile to be all about the blog. In following some authors and book lists that interest me, I’ve seen references to other profiles I would have known nothing about otherwise. Some of the books I’m reading are from the authors I’m following in this little virtual world.

But not everything I’ve learned has been fluffiness and light. I’ve learned that sometimes, I’d rather spend time with the characters in the novels than the characters in my real life. That can be a bit disturbing, and indicate a need to get rid of some dead weight in my life, or figure out why I prefer fiction to reality.

Second, I’ve been drawn to a great deal more non-fiction than I expected. This is showing me that there is an area of my life I think needs focus. So I love reading about it but it just makes me wish there were more hours in the day… to read more, to play more, to think more.

As an update, I’m currently reading 3 books. I don’t know which one will become Book 20, although I suspect it will be Luke Romyn’s “The Dark Path” as I will have much opportunity for using the eReader in the coming days. Also in contention are “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin- which came to me via one of those random conversations I mentioned earlier- and Jon Harwood’s “The Seance.” I’m really enjoying both, but I have to be careful when I read “The Seance” because it is creepy in a good way, but also has the potential to disturb my ability to sleep peacefully.

It is a gorgeous day outside here…. I’m off to do some more reading.