When I started this little blog, I was going to read 52 books in a year.  I planned to blog my thoughts here, and that would be that.

Except that I finished early.  And I like doing the blog.  So what now, since I’ve read all 52 books?

I worked with Marian Schembari, who gave me some fantastic pointers on ways to improve the blog. And I’m going to spend time over the next few weeks working with folks who know a lot more than I do to migrate this blog to a new bookfetish domain, and implement said changes.

In the meantime, I’m going to keep reading and keep blogging.  I’m reading slowly right now.  I’m re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in preparation for the next film.

That’s a slow one for me to read. There’s so much going on, and I read it so quickly the first time that I know I missed things.  I want to take time to really enjoy it and catch all the action with this reading.

So, stay tuned, and keep checking in. I’ll update as I’m reading new things. Although now that I’ve met my goal, I may slow down my pace a bit.

Thanks for reading.