Today, we’re celebrating the paperback release of Chevy Stevens’ Still Missing.

If you’ve stopped by recently, you know I’m a big fan of Chevy’s and I was thrilled to have an opportunity to send her a few questions over email to answer.

Keep reading for the transcript of the interview.

TBF: STILL MISSING deals with intense subject matter.  Parts of it still haunt me, and I’ve had other friends say the same thing.  Did you find yourself living in that world with those characters and their experiences while you were writing the book, or were you able to separate from it when writing was “done for the day.”


CS: When I’m in the editing stage, it’s easier for me to disconnect because I’m using a different part of my brain and it’s more of an analytical process. But when I’m first roughing out scenes it can be very intense. To write authentically, I have to feel the emotions and dig deep down. Sometimes I would need a break for a day or so before I could go back into the story.  Or I will stop and watch funny videos, or go for a walk to clear my mind when I’ve been in a state of focused concentration for too long.



TBF: I noticed in STILL MISSING, it’s the humanness of the characters that constantly sucked me in and is part of what has stayed with me all these months after finishing it, especially the last big reveal.  What is it that you want your readers to take away from the book?


CS: For me this was always a book about survival, about learning that being victimized does not mean you have to remain a victim. I wanted people to really feel that. Annie could be anyone. Even though her situation was horrifically extreme, there are many people out there who are struggling to break free of abusive relationships, or trying to recover from emotional and physical trauma of some kind. I wanted those people to feel that it is possible to rebuild, to be more than your pain.


TBF: Betrayal is a theme throughout the book–what led you to that theme?


CS: I’m not sure exactly. Maybe I’m drawn to that theme because I’m a child of an alcoholic, so I had lots of experience with betrayal. In a family dynamic like that your trust is broken many times. I’ve been betrayed in the past in personal relationships as well and when you’re a loyal person, like I strive to be, it can be very hurtful and shocking.


TBF: What’s been the most surprising or enlightening thing about this year as a debut novelist with a book that has seen incredibly positive reviews?


CS: I think one of the things I’ve enjoyed the most is fan letters from people who really connected strongly with the book, and who were brave enough to share their personal stories with me. There were a few people who actually said that my book helped them heal and let go of pain they had been carrying around for years. Though, it’s been personally wonderful to have my dream come true, knowing that my words helped someone else touches my soul on a deeper level and I feel really grateful for that.


TBF: When I read STILL MISSING, I couldn’t put it down. I told friends about it, and they said they same thing when they read it.  What’s the last book you read that you couldn’t put down?


CS:I recently read an advanced copy of Defending Jacob by William Landay and thought it was fantastic. I immediately went and bought his first two novels.  Sister is another book that I fell in love with. It was a hit over in the UK and will be released in the States soon.



Thanks to Chevy for taking the time to answer the questions- hope you all enjoy the book. And don’t forget the e-vent going on this afternoon where you can live chat with Chevy at 3PM EDT.