I’m writing the Sunday Win(e)d Down sans the wine- too much going on today to have time for a glass, or even anything more than a quick post.
As usual, reading is first on the update. I’ve started Divergent and I just got my hands on Laurel Osterkamp’s new book for her upcoming blog tour, so I’m very happy about that. I haven’t reviewed I Am Malala yet, but look for that later this week. I’m still listening to Snow White Must Die, and this is one of those instances where I kind of wish I was reading the book because I could probably read it faster than I can listen to it.
Some friends got me hooked on Scandal, so I’ve been binge watching that on Netflix this weekend. And I’m seeing the Waterboys tonight, so I’m quite excited about that.
I had a big birthday on Friday. One that has made me think a little bit about the rest of my life, what I want to do with the rest of it, since there are parts of it that have not turned out like I planned or wanted it to. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been a good life, but, as I’ve said before, reconciling what is with what I wanted isn’t necessarily an easy thing.
I’ve spent this weekend with family and framily (friends who are like family) so I can’t ask for much more than that, can I? Celebrating life with people you love- that’s a lucky thing.
So that’s this week’s brief post.