The bad redhead in a sea of Orange County blondes, Rachel Thompson (RachelInTheOC) is back with her trademark humor and snark in The Mancode: Exposed. This time, she’s deconstructing the differences between men and women.

We all have things that bug us about the opposite sex. Thompson’s deconstruction of the behavior of men in her life (whether her husband, or strangers observed at Disneyland) is humorous, not cruel. And most of us have similar observations about the men in our lives. Thompson doesn’t portray things as men=dumb, women=superior. Instead, its a comedic exploration and acceptance of our differences.

Chock full of the humor, Prada, chocolate, and martinis we’ve come to love from Rachel, The Mancode: Exposed fans will not be disappointed.

If you’re on Twitter, you can follow Rachel here and check out all her musings here. So, pour your martini and settle in for some snark and insight. Happy Reading.