

I read because I must. It's like breathing to me. And I love talking about books. But I'm also an Arsenal fan, a wine drinker, a music lover and weirdly obsessed with pop culture. I mostly blog about books, but sometimes about things I'm thinking or doing. When I'm not on the blog, I'm scoping deals for a professional services company, hanging out with friends, or seeing some live theater.

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The Summer That Melted Everything

Posted on 1 Aug 2016 In: Reading

3-d cover imageI’ve been looking for a while for a certain type of book.  One that plays out in my head as I read it, seeing the characters and their actions. One that is quirky and engaging and I want to just sit and read so I can finish it and know what happens.  One that makes me think about the human condition.  One that I can’t wait to recommend to people who appreciate a book that isn’t on the NYT best seller list, but is certainly more entertaining to me than some from that list. I’ve found it in Tiffany McDaniel’s  The Summer that Melted Everything. 

From the book summary:

Fielding Bliss has never forgotten the summer of 1984: the year a heat wave scorched Breathed, Ohio. The year he became friends with the devil.


Sal seems to appear out of nowhere – a bruised and tattered thirteen-year-old boy claiming to be the devil himself answering an invitation. Fielding Bliss, the son of a local prosecutor, brings him home where he’s welcomed into the Bliss family, assuming he’s a runaway from a nearby farm town.


When word spreads that the devil has come to Breathed, not everyone is happy to welcome this self-proclaimed fallen angel. Murmurs follow him and tensions rise, along with the temperatures as an unbearable heat wave rolls into town right along with him. As strange accidents start to occur, riled by the feverish heat, some in the town start to believe that Sal is exactly who he claims to be. While the Bliss family wrestles with their own personal demons, a fanatic drives the town to the brink of a catastrophe that will change this sleepy Ohio backwater forever.


Although set in 1984, I also pictured some earlier time. Breathed, Ohio is not unlike a number of small southern towns, especially in the early part of the 20th century.These boys were not inside watching Wrestlemania and playing Atari, like so many of the older kids I knew in that timeframe.   But 1984 did fit well. When it mattered, the descriptions of the characters were spot on for the era.  The fears and social mores fit as well.  It was the height of the Moral Majority, and that mindset defined a number of people’s reactions to social issues, and intentional or not, you can see that influence in this book. I can’t say more without potentially spoiling part of the story, but if you were alive during that time, you’ll understand exactly what I mean.


What worked well in this story, and what drew me in, was the idea of a Devil in the midst. But this is not a devil of the bible.  Certainly, there are nuances of it. Lucifer’s fall from grace is well documented, after all. But this devil is deeper, more human, more empathetic than one would imagine. And there is the crux of the story.  If Sal is the devil, responsible for anything bad happening in Breathed, then how on earth can the townspeople explain their own actions in how they treat others and Sal?  Is the idea of the devil a convenient scapegoat for those dark parts of ourselves that, if we are not careful, release our most base, evil behaviors? Is the devil really nothing more than a reflection of the parts of ourselves we like the least?  And if we allow that mindset to take control of our actions and words, what horror may we bring in our lives and the lives of others?


Each chapter of the book begins with Fielding in the present, then bleeds back into the past. Sometimes the transitions are very subtle, and it took me a minute to adjust, but it also makes sense as we learn more about Fielding and who he is now.


I really liked this book.  I liked that it made me think. I liked that it brought out emotion in me.  I liked that I wanted to know what happens next and  that I was a little sad that it was over.  The readers I think will most appreciate this book are people who liked To Kill A Mockingbird, Catfish Alley, and The Testament.  I wouldn’t pick this one for a light hearted beach read, but for literary fiction fans wanting something to sink their teeth in, this is a great one.


The Summer That Melted Everything was released on 26 July.


Here’s a little about the author, Tiffany McDaniel:

An Ohio native, Tiffany McDaniel’s writing is inspired by the rolling hills and buckeye woods of the land she knows. She is also a poet, playwright, screenwriter, and artist. The Summer that Melted Everything is her debut novel.               

You can learn more Tiffany at her website:


Here’s the Goodreads link to the novel:



Stay tuned- Tiffany has agreed to an author Q and A, and that will be coming soon.


I received an ARC of the book to read in exchange for an honest review.



Release Day! Broken Pieces by Kathleen Long

Posted on 19 Jul 2016 In: Reading

Happy Release Day to Kathleen Long!  If you’re a long time reader of the blog, you know I really enjoy her books.

Chasing Rainbows  was one of my favorites for 2012. Changing Lanes was quirky and engaging.   And now Kathleen is back with Broken Pieces.

 broken pieces

About the Book

Destiny Jones is doing just fine on her own, thanks. From her thriving one-woman carpentry business to the loving support of her small-town community, Destiny has constructed a life as sturdy and polished as her best cabinets. Twenty years ago, Destiny’s world collapsed when her mother died and her father, Albert, abandoned his daughter to pursue acting in New York. His devastating exit taught Destiny a lesson in self-reliance that has kept her safe—and alone—ever since.

Now Albert Jones is back, begging for a second chance. Destiny suspects he’s simply staging another performance, starring himself as the prodigal father. Should she act on her misgivings? Or listen to her inner child, who still yearns for a family? When Albert divulges a shocking secret, Destiny’s life will again be turned upside down.

Kathleen Long’s warm, wise novel reveals the armor that has protected us in the past is often the very thing we must shed to fully live and love.

You can order the book here.  I’ll be reading it on vacation!

About Kathleen Long  kathleen long

Kathleen Long is a USA TODAY bestselling author of sixteen novels in the genres of Women’s Fiction, Suspense, and Contemporary Romance. She divides her time between suburban Philadelphia and the Jersey Shore. When she’s not on deadline or teaching creative writing, Kathleen spends her time bribing her tween to pick up her room and begging her dog to heel. Please look for BROKEN PIECES, available July 19th from Lake Union Publishing.

Connect with Kathleen:

Website: www.kathleenlong.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kathleenlong
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KLWords
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29057915-broken-pieces

Whole 30- Discontinuing Posts in this time of Chaos.

Posted on 8 Jul 2016 In: Doing

In light of the events in the US this week, the senseless killing of more black men and officers doing their job at a peaceful protest, posting something trivial like an update on my personal healthy eating goals seems trivial and self-absorbed.

I’ll post a wrap up at the end of my plan, but I am discontinuing the daily posts.

Whole 30, Day 7

Posted on 6 Jul 2016 In: Doing

A full week in.  I don’t have anything new to add, except to state, again, that planning is key.  There’s no “grab a Lean Cuisine” on this plan, so to have something easy and accessible takes some work.

I’ve taken advantage of the pre-made  roasted chicken from my Whole Foods, and their salad bar.  I can get some deli meats (reading labels, of course).  The key thing for me is left overs, and easy to snack on fruits and vegetables at the ready.

I’m drinking a lot of sparkling water and club soda in addition to regular water, and I confess, the thing I am missing most is drinks with more flavor.  Time to head back to Whole Foods to get some more fruit to make more mocktails.

With Whole 30, you stay off the scale, so I have no idea if I am losing weight yet.  I hope I’ll see a difference in the way my clothes fit soon.

I was at an event last night, and walked right by the dessert table. Nothing tempted me.  That’s a good thing! Now, let’s see how I fare next time  I see french fries…


Whole 30, Day 5 and 6

Posted on 4 Jul 2016 In: Doing

Pool party success! Cook out success!  Two events yesterday that could have been terrible pitfalls, but all worked out well. I planned ahead. I had lots of sparkling water on hand. I took foods that I could eat. I focused on the socializing and not the food.

I didn’t miss the booze.  I haven’t wanted to “kill all the things” as the Whole 30 book said I might.

My allergies have dissipated a lot! That’s a good thing.  I’m also still easily sleeping 9-10 hours a night, which is weird for me.  I’m  not sure if that is related to this, or not.

Fourth of July success, too! I was at the pool all day today with friends. Again, planning was key.  I took food I could have. I took lots of sparkling water, and I just set it in my mind before I went that it would be a good day without needing junk food or adult beverages.  I looked at the chips on the table, but I wasn’t tempted by them. The temptation was freshly grilled corn on the cob. But I didn’t indulge.

I may have this. I hope I do.